The financial forecast, plans, strategies, and similar that are posted on this website are forward-looking statements about the future performance of the Company representing judgments made by its management based on information currently available to the Company, and therefore contain risks and uncertainties. Please also note that the actual performance may differ materially from the forecast due to various important elements surrounding the Company’s business, such as the economic climate and market trends.
None of the information contained in this website is a solicitation for the purchase or sale of the stock of MUGEN ESTATE Co., Ltd. Users are requested to make investment decisions based on their own judgments.
Information posted on this website may be changed or deleted without prior notice. Normal use of this website may not be possible depending on the communication environment, state of your computer, or other reasons.
The Company takes all possible measures to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website. Please note, however, that the Company shall bear no liability whatsoever for any failure or damage that may be caused by the downloading of data or similar where the website contains incorrect information or the data have been altered or otherwise changed by a third party.