- Sustainability
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- Sustainability
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Based on the MUGEN ESTATE Group's mission of creating new value in real estate and taking on challenges to enrich the lives of all, making their dreams come true, we are working to achieve sustainability and sustainable growth for the Group.
Addressing Social Issues in the Real Estate Industry
In order to create a sustainable society, companies must engage in business activities that make effective use of limited resources.
The real estate industry is no exception.
Japan has a strong belief in new construction, and has repeated a cycle of scrapping and rebuilding. But international developments with regard to social issues such as resource depletion and waste disposal are accelerating, and we are now moving into an era of "stock utilization."
In our Purchase and Resale Business, we utilize used real estate to reduce CO2 emissions and waste, and make better use of limited resources than building new real estate. We are confident that our business model itself will contribute to the creation of a recycling-oriented society, and will continue to challenge ourselves to achieve sustainable growth and a sustainable society through used real estate.
MUGEN ESTATE’s Sustainability Initiatives
MUGEN ESTATE gives maximum consideration to ESG (Environmental Environment, Social and Governance) and strives to manage its business operations so as to contribute to the creation of a sustainable social environment. As part of this, we are working to increase corporate value by shifting to a management style that balances business with social contributions (CSV) rather than corporate social responsibility (CSR).
President & Representative Director