- Sustainability
- Governance that promotes sustainability
- Sustainability
- Governance that promotes sustainability
Governance that promotes sustainability
The Group has established a Sustainability Committee. Chaired by our president, its mission is to work towards the realization of a sustainable society through our business.
The committee is to meet at least twice each year. It discusses and examines the Group’s sustainability issues, including climate change issues, develops an overall plan on sustainability activities, monitors their progress and assess the state of achievements.
With regard to important issues and policies for addressing them discussed at the Sustainability Committee, their statuses of implementation are reported to the Board of Directors so that it will discuss them and make decisions on response actions as needed.
Role | Taken by |
Chairperson | President |
Committee members | Those elected by the Board of Directors, managers of business departments and outside directors * Outside experts are invited as needed. |
Administrative office | Corporate Planning & Strategy Department |
Date of establishment | July 2022 |
Diagram of sustainability promotion structure

Risk Management
In formulating and executing business strategies, the Group identifies factors that impede the achievement of business objectives as risks, classifies them by the degree of impact on business management and frequency of occurrence, and determines important risks for the Group based on assessment results. When material risks become apparent, we focus on monitoring the progress of risk countermeasures, with risks that have a significant impact on our business as risks that require monitoring, and work to strengthen risk countermeasures across the Group.
In implementing our business strategies, we have established a risk management system that provides appropriate responses to prevent potential risks from occurring, and a crisis management system that minimizes losses in the event of serious risks arising.
Risks that derive from sustainability issues are identified from individual departments by the Sustainability Committee. They are then examined both qualitatively and quantitatively and the findings are reported to the Risk Management and Compliance Committee. Thus, they are incorporated into the risk management of the entire Group.
Diagram of risk management structure