To Our Shareholders and Investors
MUGEN ESTATE Group: Creating New Value in Real Estate

To that end, our mission is that "Creating new value in real estate and taking on challenges to enrich the lives of all,making their dreams come true". Through our business activities, we aim to continuously increase corporate value by solving numerous social issues facing the real estate industry.
Business Environment in the Real Estate Industry
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the continued support of our shareholders and investors.
Today, the global economy is facing a turbulent era due to the impact of environmental problems such as global warming, numerous natural disasters and disease pandemics. In Japan in particular, there are many issues such as a decreasing workforce due to the declining birthrate and aging population.
In addition to these, in the real estate industry we are also facing additional problems such as property vacancies and aging housing stock, and the roles and expectations for our industry in realizing a sustainable society are becoming even greater.
Currently, as a result of changes in lifestyles and working styles due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the migration from overcrowded central urban areas to the suburbs has increased, and the needs of customers with regard to living environments are also changing to wider and more comfortable housing. We are working to create product planning and product lineups that conform to customer needs in the post-COVID society.

MUGEN ESTATE Group's Evolving Strengths
One of our key strengths lies in our information gathering capabilities. We believe that information brings new appeal to real estate and further enhances the market value of the MUGEN ESTATE Group. We will continue to strengthen our information gathering capabilities by utilizing the sales offices that we have opened.
Where information gathers, even better quality information can be found. We believe that one of our key missions is to create a positive spiral of information, and provide better properties to the market.
Initiatives for Achieving Sustainable Growth
We are taking on the challenges of making everyone's dreams come true. We value our stakeholders, and aim to increase our corporate value continuously by developing human resources within the company.
In addition to expanding our main business—the Purchase and Resale Business—we have also purchased investment type properties (rental condominiums and office blocks; income properties) for medium to long-term retention, and have also started real estate development and real estate specified joint enterprise businesses as growth businesses that will generate stable earnings in the future.
In order to drive these initiatives, we must give consideration to the environmental, social and governance aspects often referred to as ESG. Looking ahead, we will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by creating new value through environmentally friendly business activities.
Initiatives for Shareholder Return
We regard the return of profits to shareholders as one of the most important management issues. We intend to comprehensively determine the allocation of profits by taking into account overall levels of performance, with a basic policy of continuing to pay stable dividends while at the same time strengthening our financial position and enhancing internal reserves in order to expand our business in the long term. In order to bolster shareholder returns, we have changed our target dividend payout ratio from around 20% to at least 30%.
We will also engage in active efforts with regard to shareholder returns that will enable us to move with greater agility from various perspectives, considering financial balance aspects such as equity share purchases that take into account total return ratio.
President & Representative Director