- Sustainability
- Strengthening human capital
- Strengthening human resources development
- Sustainability
- Strengthening human capital
- Strengthening human resources development
Strengthening human resources development
The Group provides many different training programs to live up to its corporate philosophy, Mugen: making dreams come true. We strive to foster a corporate culture where diverse human resources demonstrate their potential to the fullest and innovate. We will continue to put the right people in the right positions regardless of their nationality, age, gender or other attributes. We will actively develop and promote excellent human resources to increase our organizational strength and enhance corporate value.
The Group's training programs are categorized into four groups: job class-specific training, human resources development training, purpose-specific training, and function-specific training.
We provide opportunities for development to employees at all job classes. We are developing initiatives to help employees develop their careers on their own so that diverse human resources will work with job satisfaction and pride and continue to grow while demonstrating their potential to the fullest.
Level-specific training | Employees participate in training programs according to level of their careers to acquire the knowledge and skills required at each level of the workforce. |
Human resources development training |
Training is primarily OJT (on-the-job training) in the employee's department. They set goals for their job, and when the job is done, review the implementation. Guidance is given to them regarding their approach to the job when they are working. We have optional training programs and training programs for selected employees at each level to the workforce. We provide executives and employees with opportunities to participate in re-skilling training programs. |
Purpose-specific training |
All employees participate in purpose-based training programs. They learn about compliance and harassment regulations, which are basic regulations that they should comply with in the performance of their duties, and sustainability issues. |
function-specific training | function-specific training is for employees who aim to gain expertise that is required in their department and become a professional that will contribute to corporate management. |