- Sustainability
- Strengthening human capital
- Sustainability
- Strengthening human capital
Strengthening human capital
Human resources strategies linked to management strategies
Vison and development policy of human resources in MUGEN ESTATE Group
Human Resources Vision
The driving force of MUGEN ESTATE Group is the self-motivated person having an ability to think independently, take challenges, and adapt to changes in business environment. We create the new value to the society by nurturing human resources who accept diverse values and have the integrity, great persistence, and strong will.
Model Employee for the Company

Six categories of human capital management (recruitment, development, evaluation, compensation, personnel distribution and transfer and the environment)
We have formulated company policies on six categories of human resources management (recruitment, development, evaluation, compensation, personnel distribution and transfer and the environment). Under the policies, we strive to create an environment that enables diverse employees to have job satisfaction and brings out the best in each of them.
Human Resources Policy

Setting indicators to realize the Company's vision
The Group has set KPIs for measuring progress in each initiative to solve problems guided by its human resources management policies. We have established a system where we can link the KPIs to a dynamic human resources portfolio to flexibly change according to the external environment and progress in initiatives and monitor the KPIs while considering the change of specific initiatives as necessary.
Three pillars strengthening human capital and underpinning human resources strategies
The acquisition, development and retention of human resources are three pillars that strengthen human capital and underpin human resources strategies. The Group will identify skills that it needs and systematically take steps to strengthen the acquisition, development and retention of human resources.